Star Trek Timelines Interview

Star Trek Timelines

This week we were honored to interview two special guests from game developer Disruptor Beam. Executive Producer Rich Gallup and Lead Designer Tim Crosby joined our comm channels to discuss their upcoming mobile game, Star Trek Timelines.

The interview aired on Saturday, April 4 during our “Trek Radio Presents” timeslot. The interview has been added to our On-Demand section and an embedded player link has been added below for streaming anytime.

In Star Trek Timelines players will explore a massive galaxy on iOS and Android devices as well as the web, solving conflicts via science, diplomacy, and combat. The timeline has been fractured and as a result, captains and crew from every series and era of Star Trek will work together to conduct missions and solve the mystery of the timeline.

An early demo of the game was recently presented at PAX East where Trek fans who had a chance to play a mission responded enthusiastically to the upcoming title. Disruptor Beam will return to the Star Trek Las Vegas convention this year to present the game and meet the fans.

Stay connected on social media: “Like” them on, and follow @STTimelines on Twitter. Navigate to the official website to join the Bridge Crew to give your feedback and suggestions, as well as to receive an in-game tribble at launch (limited time offer), a special forum title, updates about Star Trek Timelines, and a chance to gain early access to the game.

Star Trek TimelinesStar Trek Timelines

by Deyvid

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