Punch it…Let’s Jump to Hyperspace!

Trek Radio sent field reporter, Mighty Mundane, to Orlando Nerd Fest for their first festival style event since 2015. FANTOKU: Fantasy Tokusatsu Nerd Fest is a great place to find video game bands, geek rock, and nerd core.

The show promises to feature a mix of new and established bands, including longtime friend of the radio station SCI-FRIED as they debut their 6th studio album, Hyperspaced. The latest album has 11 all new original Sci-Fried songs!

The band began in 2008 in Orlando, Florida. Sci-Fried takes pop culture and all the nerdy things you love and uses that as the lyrical themes while employing rock music of all styles. They combine the two into an awesome sonic experience for their fans. Sci-Fried’s stage show is accompanied by video to fully immerse the audience into the world of Nerd Music and Sci-Fried.

Fans can get digital or physical copies for only $10 from the BandCamp store! Trek Radio has also put their album into rotation. Check iTunes and ALL other digital outlets after Dec 1st.

On top of musical acts, vendors and artists, there will also be a Saturday costume contest and a Sunday late-night burlesque show with Shaken not Stirred Burlesque, as well as special guests Leva “Blue Pants” Bates, Pikabellechu, and Power Rangers’ Christopher Kayman Lee.

by Risa Suraya

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