Borg Assimilate CherryTree Computers

The computers of CherryTree have been assimilated by the Borg, and now yours can be too.

Los Angeles based tech company, CherryTree Inc. specializes in custom-made hardware and software for home, business, and studio including workstation computers and servers. Now they are creating PC computers housed inside fully featured Borg Cube cases. These officially licensed Borg computers are available from their company website in a variety of sizes and spec options. There is even a computer based on the new Borg cube seen in the upcoming series, Star Trek: Picard.

Trek Radio’s Risa made the voyage to LA to tour their offices and interviewed CherryTree about the process involved with making these computers a reality.

In addition to the Borg Cube computers, they announced a Death Star computer for those in that galaxy far, far away, and are interested in acquiring additional licenses to produce more computers based on popular franchises. Thor’s hammer Mjölnir? Captain America’s shield? We’ll see where they go next. Let them know what you would like to see sitting on your computer desk.

Be sure to follow CherryTree on social media on Twitter Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

View the variety of Borg computers available at the CherryTree website.

Listen to our interview with CherryTree below.

by Deyvid

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