Reminder: Henglaar MD 1×05 Premiering Today! Live Interview!
This is a quick message to remind you all that the latest episode of the hit audio show, Henglaar MD will be getting its world premiere today on Trek Radio at 12pm Midday PST!
Starting at 8.30am PST, a marathon of the show’s previous four episodes will be played back to back and at 11am PST, the shows executive producer David Hill along with John Whiting (Henglaar), Mark Painter (writer/producer/story editor) and Scott Fack (Lt. Ken Kato) will be joining us for a live interview!
At 12pm PST, Henglaar MD 1×05 “Profit without Honor ” will get its world premiere (repeating at 9pm PST) and immediatly after the episode, the live interview will continue for another 45 minutes – 1 hour!!
Be sure to tune in today for this mega marthon world-premiere interview event!!!!!!
by Trek Radio Staff