Record your Birthday wishes for Star Trek Online!

With 2nd February fast approaching, Star Trek Online’s 1st Birthday, Trek Radio would like to invite you all to dust off your microphones and record a Birthday message to commemorate this historic occasion!

Perhaps you want to tell us some of your best stories involving Star Trek Online over the past year, or perhaps you’d just like to say happy birthday. Maybe you’d like to thank the devs for all of their hard work……

Whatever you wish to say, please record it (in MP3, WMA or WAV format, though if sending a WAV, please try to zip it) and then email it to “

Alternativly, if you do not have a microphone, you can leave us a voicemail with your birthday wishes via the phone:

Tel: 347-321-8955 or 206-202-2414

On February 2nd, we will play all of the messages we have recieved throughout the day, along with a bunch of other festivities that we are arranging now and which will be announced soon!

by Trek Radio Staff