Chase Masterson on STO-Radio

Celebrity Actor (and singer) Chase Masterson will be joining for a interview on Saturday 25th September from 1pm PST (4pm EST / 9pm GMT)

Chase will be spending a couple of hours with us LIVE on the air to speak about her roles in Deep Space Nine, Star Trek Online and her other roles in Star Trek, including “Of Gods and Men”, her recent involvement with the Federation Fan Club, her experiences on the Star Trek Cruises and more!

Questions for Chase?

No Problem! If you have a question for Chase, please hit the “Reply” or “Leave Comment” button on this thread and post your question for consideration.

Alternativly, you can e-mail your question to “” with the subject “Chase Masterson Question” – you MUST include this subject otherwise your e-mail will be automatically deleted.

In addition, for those of you who have Skype – feel free to add “hailing.frequency” (typing Chase Masterson in the invite comments when you add us).   If you have question for Chase, you may be invitied to come on the air and ask your question.    Please note that you will be required to send us your question in advance on Skype Chat before you are brought on the air.

Tell all of your fellow Star Trek Fans – Chase Masterson on STO-Radio on Saturday 25th September from 1pm PST!

by Trek Radio Staff